2022 Annual Conference Agenda

Wednesday  -  Thursday  -  Friday
Schedule shown in Eastern Time Zone
Schedule subject to change

Wednesday, June 15, 2022 - Pre-Conference
12:00 PM
Registration Desk Open
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Pre-Conference Workshop  Resiliency Planning for Florida Stormwater Programs
(Additional Fee Applies for the Pre-Conference Workshop)

Stormwater Retrofits for Resiliency
Resiliency and Sea Level Rise (SLR) are major considerations when managing infrastructure along the coast. Understanding the issues that SLR presents for stormwater infrastructure can give stormwater programs an edge on resilience planning and grant funding. This presentation will review lessons learned from the planning and construction of a stormwater treatment area retrofit project.

Nicholas Muzia, PE, Infrastructure Maintenance Manager
Martin County

Richard Neal, Southern Regional Sales Manager

Tampa Bay Resilience: An Overview of Findings and Lessons Learned
Whether you are in the private sector or in government, this presentation will provide useful insight from a series of resilience initiatives in the Tampa Bay region. Processes, lessons learned, and findings will be shared, as will opportunities to enhance resilience funding and project implementation.

Brian Cook, PLA, Director of Urban Design
Applied Sciences

Building Resiliency with Gray and Green Infrastructure in South Florida
This presentation will summarize the South Florida Water Management District’s collaborative approach for evaluating, justifying and building resiliency in South Florida. The project’s technical feasibility assessment and the supporting advanced hydrologic and hydraulic modeling evaluation, flood damage cost estimation tool and basin-wide exposure database will be discussed.

Ana Carolina Maran, PE, PhD, District Resiliency Officer

David Colangelo, District Resiliency Grant Manager

Thursday, June 16, 2022 - Conference
8:00 AM Registration Desk Open
8:00 AM – 8:45 AM Continental Breakfast
8:45 AM – 10:00 AM

Welcome, Opening Remarks, and Awards

Elliot Shoberg, President
Florida Stormwater Association

Mark Rains, PhD, Chief Science Officer
State of Florida

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Morning Break
10:30 AM – 11:15 AM

TRACK A – 2022 Legislative Session Review
Consideration of revisions to Florida water policy continued to receive a lot of attention in 2022.  The session will examine what was introduced, what passed and failed in 2022, and what might be reconsidered in 2023.  Attendees will have a chance to review the future of water policy and how water quality improvement programs may change in Florida.

Diana Ferguson, Esq., Lobbyist
Florida Stormwater Association

TRACK B – Sea Level Rise and Flood Resiliency Planning
The SFWMD Sea Level Rise (SLR) and Flood Resiliency Plan is the first District initiative to compile a comprehensive list of priority resiliency infrastructure projects with the goal of increasing community resiliency to flooding and SLR impacts. This goal is being achieved by updating and hardening water management and flood protection infrastructure and implementing effective, resilient, basin-wide solutions. This session will also review the planning initiative which includes a model to simulate various design storms and generate flood hazard maps along the urbanized Collier County coast and explore the process and computational tools derived to produce joint probabilities of occurrence of flooding drivers, including rainfall, storm surge and the water table.

Ana Carolina Maran, PE, PhD, Chief Resiliency Officer

Noemi Gonzalez Ramirez, PhD, PE, Senior Hydraulic Engineer
FLO-2D Software

Robert Jane, PhD, Post-doctoral Researcher
University of Central Florida

11:20 AM – 12:05 PM

TRACK A – Consolidated Bacteria TMDLS for Florida
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) has initiated the development of TMDLs for fecal indicator bacteria (FIB). FDEP is piloting its new consolidated bacteria TMDL approach for impaired waters in the Everglades West Coast Basin and intends to address all FIB impaired waters following approval of the 2022 Biennial Assessment of Impaired Waters. Join FDEP for this workshop to learn more about the Department’s plans and timelines.

Ansel Bubel, Environmental Administrator

TRACK B – Reevaluating Flood Protection Level of Service Programs
This presentation will highlight the key aspects of the Flood Protection Level of Service Program run by the South Florida Water Management District and describe a collaborative approach to identifying and evaluating regional and local mitigation strategies, present opportunities, challenges, and scale of potential infrastructure investments over the next decade. An integrated groundwater and surface water model and the flood protection level of service assessment for urban Broward County followed by the development of a model for storm surge and sea level rise in Biscayne Bay coastal areas will also be presented. Join us to learn how these well calibrated models have been successfully used to compute current and future water levels for different hurricane scenarios coastal flood inundation maps and coastal resilient infrastructures design from different aspects.

Akintunde Owosina, PE, Chief, H & H Bureau

Michael DelCharco, PE, CFM, Sr. Vice President, Water Resources
Taylor Engineering

Matahel Ansar, PhD, PE, Section Administrator, Applied Hydraulics

12:05 PM – 1:00 PM Lunch Break
1:00 PM – 1:45 PM

TRACK A – Stormwater Monitoring: Playing the Match Game
Invariably, local governments are faced with justifying the monitoring programs they need to best restore and protect impaired waters within their jurisdiction. Regulatory requirements provide additional issues that can affect how the limited resources for monitoring are focused. One major question that typically arises is whether monitoring of ambient waters or outfalls provide these entities with the best available data in support of their goals. This presentation will address the issue of ambient vs. outfall monitoring and offer meaningful recommendations for those faced with this question.

Tony Janicki, PhD, President
Janicki Environmental

Kelli Hammer Levy, CPM, ENVSP, Public Works Director
Pinellas County

TRACK B – Emerging Technologies
FSA’s practice of highlighting the latest developments in stormwater technologies and services from the private sector will be continued this year and features the top firms from Florida and other parts of the country!

1:50 PM – 2:35 PM

TRACK A  Total Immersion: What’s in Lee County Waterways?
Lee County completed a large-scale microbial source tracking study in partnership with Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at Florida Atlantic University and FDEP to ascertain if septic systems were impacting County surface waters. This session will review the results of the study showing wide-spread evidence of wastewater contamination in varying degrees, and how to use this information to aid resource managers in making decisions for water quality projects and wastewater infrastructure in the future.

Lisa Kreiger, MS, PMP, Operations Manager
Lee County

Rachel Brewton, MS, Research Scientist
Florida Atlantic University

Kevin Tyre, MS, Water Resources Scientist
Geosyntec Consultants

TRACK B  Flood Forecasting Resiliency Model of the Upper St. Johns River Basin
Managing the Upper St. Johns River Basin, a complex system of levees, water management areas, restored marshes, over 30 major gated structures, and about 50 pump stations, is no small feat! Learn about a new real-time flood forecasting resiliency model to be used by SJRWMD for decision-making of structure controls for flood mitigation purposes.

Pete Singhofen, PE, Founder
Streamline Technologies

Yanbing Jia, PhD, PE, Technical Program Manager

2:35 PM – 3:00 PM Afternoon Break
3:00 PM – 3:45 PM TRACK A  Zen and the Art of Stormwater Master Planning: An Inquiry into Values

The City of St. Petersburg is developing a new Stormwater Master Plan. Explore the impact of incorporating a technical document within City-wide integrated management and planning. Experience a lighthearted and pseudo-philosophical discussion surrounding flow states. This presentation will address how the development of the Stormwater Master Plan enhanced quality of life for the City.

Michael Perry, PE, Civil Engineer III
City of St. Petersburg

TRACK B  Using Automation to Improve Drainage Operations and Reduce Flood Risk
Pasco County implemented automation and SCADA system improvements to provide remote monitoring and control of the drainage structures in the Duck Slough Watershed to reduce response time, minimize flood risk, and improve the operational cost-effectiveness of the drainage system. This presentation will provide an overview of the basin, details about the specific improvements that were made to enable remote monitoring and operation of the control structures, an evaluation of the benefits and costs of the project, and potential future phases to expand the system to better manage flood risks county-wide.

Scott Shannon, PE, Principal
Woodard & Curran

Sammy Huey, Engineer III
Pasco County

3:50 PM – 4:35 PM TRACK A  The Drive to Stay Dry - North Bay Village’s Resiliency Journey

North Bay Village is a coastal city in Miami-Dade County consisting of dredged islands. Situated in Biscayne Bay, the Village is vulnerable to sea-level/groundwater rise, king tides, and storm surges. This presentation will feature the Village’s innovative approach for a resilient Stormwater Master Plan to mitigate projected climate change impacts.

Alex Vazquez, PE, CFM, Director of Water Resources
BCC Engineering

Sebastian Honigfort, PE, ENV SP, Water Resources Engineer
BCC Engineering

Marlon Lobban, Public Works Director
North Bay Village

TRACK B  Something You CAN Do with Your Watershed Model? (plus some SHOULDS)
Targeted regulations for specific sub-basins may be necessary to mitigate future risk, minimize future capital expenditures, and enhance resiliency. Learn about analysis methods developed to identify peak and volume sensitive locations across Hillsborough County, some limitations encountered, and potential to the Geographic Watershed Information System schema that could mitigate those limitations.

Derek Doughty, PE, CFM, ENV SP, D.WRE, Senior Associate
Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson

Jennifer Lishman Nunn, GISP, Senior Associate
Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson

4:35 PM – 5:30 PM Welcome Reception

It’s time to relax!  So get comfortable and join us in your favorite flip flops for snacks, drinks, and the chance to win a door prize.  This will be the final hour to visit FSA’s Exhibitors, be sure to stop by to learn more about Florida’s emerging stormwater technologies!

Friday, June 17, 2022 - Conference
8:00 AM Registration Desk Open
8:00 AM – 8:45 AM Continental Breakfast
8:45 AM – 9:30 AM FSA and the FSA Educational Foundation Annual Meetings and Election of Officers and Board of Directors
9:35 AM – 10:20 AM

TRACK A – Alligator Creek Stream Restoration: From Headwaters to Tidal Influence
Alligator Creek is a former upper tidal strand and freshwater creek that was severely entrenched as a canal prior to the early 1940s. It now functions as a straightened and geomorphically homogeneous tidal creek with multiple impairments. This session will reveal how a project like this can offer opportunities to restore both saltwater and freshwater habitats.

Amanda Boone, PE, Stormwater Senior Manager
Sarasota County

John Kiefer, PE, PhD, National Stream Restoration Practice Lead

TRACK B  Adapting a Social Distancing Path Towards Water Quality Restoration
This presentation will discuss how the City of Fort Myers adapted procedures for the development of its Pollution Reduction Plan to follow CDC guidelines for social distancing while staying true to the FDEP guidance for Restoring Bacteria-Impaired Waters to identify and eliminate anthropogenic sources of fecal indicator bacteria in two watersheds. A summary of the results to date will also be provided.

Richard Thompson, PE, Stormwater Resource Manager
City of Fort Myers

Lori Coolidge, PG, Project Manager

Karen Milller, Engagement Specialist

TRACK C  Groundwater, Out of Sight, Out of Mind??
This presentation will focus on assessing groundwater nutrient impacts and how they impact surface waters and springsheds. Techniques used for nutrient plume delineation and groundwater flux determination along with the BMPs to help address them will be presented.

Matt Wissler, PG, Senior Principal Hydrogeologist
Geosyntec Consultants

Mike Hardin, PhD, PE, CFM, Senior Water Resources Engineer
Geosyntec Consultants

10:25 AM – 11:10 AM

TRACK A – Natural Solutions for Stormwater
Florida has many challenges and there is an ever-increasing number of ways to solve these challenges. Nature-based solutions could be the best way to go. This presentation will provide examples and lessons on stormwater velocity management within channels and how to create a healthy ecosystem while solving engineering problems for stormwater in Florida.

Nicholas Muzia, PE, Infrastructure Maintenance Manager
Martin County

TRACK B – Implementing GI Projects: When Maintenance Drives Design
Municipalities all over Florida are trying to implement green infrastructure practices with the goal of protecting or improving water quality in downstream waterbodies. Learn how to design Green Infrastructure systems with maintenance in mind.

Chris Bogdan, Business Development Manager
Ferguson Waterworks

TRACK C  Resiliency: Facing the “Rising Tide” of Age
It is good to be prepared for extreme rain events and rising sea levels, but we must not forget to prepare for the problems of today as well. This presentation will provide a different perspective on infrastructure resiliency planning; how to prepare for the future without forgetting about the present.

Hal Clarkson, PE, CFM, IAM, Program Director

11:10 AM Adjourn