2022 Fall Seminar Materials

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The seminar presentations are listed below. They are listed in the order they were presented at the seminar.  Posting a seminar presentation does not imply that FSA confirms the accuracy of any of the statements made in a presentation, nor that the Association supports or endorses any of the conclusions or recommendations contained in a presentation.

01 - Regulatory Overview: MS4 Permit Changes [Potts]
        View Presentation || View Recording

02 - TMDL and Water Quality Monitoring  [Heidecker]
        View Presentation || View Recording

03 - SWMP Effectiveness Planning [Potts]
        View Presentation || View Recording

04 - Structural Pollution Control Planning [Cunningham]
        View Presentation || View Recording

05 - How to Prepare for Your Audit [Carr]
        View Presentation || View Recording

06 - Panel Discussion [Carr, Cunningham, Heidecker, Potts, Long]
        View Recording