2023 Fall Seminar Materials

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Quick Links: Contact ListMaterials - Presentations - Sponsors


For the protection of your contact information, the Attendee, Speaker and Sponsor Contact Lists are accessible via the Seminar App.




The seminar presentations are listed below. They are listed in the order they were presented at the seminar.  Posting a seminar presentation does not imply that FSA confirms the accuracy of any of the statements made in a presentation, nor that the Association supports or endorses any of the conclusions or recommendations contained in a presentation.

01 - Statewide Stormwater Rule – How Did We Get Here? [Heidecker]
        View Presentation

02 - New Statewide Stormwater Rule Overview  [Ray]
        View Presentation

03 - Performance Treatment Standards of the New Rule [Bateman]
        View Presentation

04 - Practical Implications of the New Rule on Private Development [Frick/Coyne]
        View Presentation

05 - Practical Implications of the New Rule on Local Government [Cahoon]
        View Presentation



The Florida Stormwater Association would like to thank the Sponsors of the 2023 Fall Seminar.  We greatly appreciate your support of FSA and the stormwater community.