Anna Padilla, PE, CFM

Anna Padilla, PE, CFM
Leon County
Stormwater Management Coordinator

Does your local government/special district have an established stormwater utility or similar financing mechanism?

How long have you been a member of FSA (years)?

Not sure, at least 12 years.

Have you served FSA in the past?
No, I have not.

What abilities and attributes can you bring to the Board?
I bring a diverse background in stormwater management including consulting, regulatory, and public works. This multifaceted experience allows me to view situations and challenges through various lenses. I enjoy working collaboratively with other local government partners and State agencies.

What background and experience do you have in the stormwater industry?
I am a Professional Engineering and an active Certified Floodplain Manager. I have experience ranging from stormwater master planning to design and construction including technical experience, project management, and stormwater operations. Having served in Leon County's permitting department, I have regulatory experience and am familiar with permitting requirements. I currently manage Leon County's Stormwater Program which includes water quality monitoring, the County's NPDES MS4 Permit, the Stormwater Utility, and stormwater Capital Improvement projects.

Why do you want this Board position?
I'm looking to get more involved in FSA.