Brittany Banko

Brittany Banko
Flatwoods Consulting Group
Senior Ecologist

How long have you been a member of FSA (years)?
I have been a member for six years.

Have you served FSA in the past?
I have previously served on the Education Committee and currently I am on the Membership Committee.

What abilities and attributes can you bring to the Board?
Since the beginning of my career in 2008, I started learning about stormwater. I had not thought much about this area of work until I started working in a program that regulated it. This is when I began to develop my interest and a passion for stormwater, as well as understanding the importance. If I am elected to the Board, I would bring that passion into any tasks that may come with the position. Teamwork is a strong suit of mine. In addition, my background (stormwater, wetlands, wildlife) and technical skills may bring a unique viewpoint.

What background and experience do you have in the stormwater industry?
My professional background includes working in both the public and private sector. Although I am not an engineer, I have worked in stormwater since the beginning of my professional career in 2008. I worked at the FDEP Southwest District in the Environmental Resource Program from 2008 to 2014 where I learned about the FDEP's stormwater regulations, reviewed and processed permit applications, and conducted compliance reviews for projects with stormwater management systems. In 2014, I continued working on projects that involved stormwater management systems as a consultant. In this position I began working on projects requiring NPDES Construction Generic Permits. This involved survey, design, and compliance related to Stormwater Pollution Protection Plans for projects requiring the CGP as well as obtaining the agency authorization.

Why do you want this Board position?
I have been attending FSA conferences for several years now. This is a group that I genuinely enjoy working with and would love to volunteer my time to FSA and the members.