Anthony "Tony" Mannello City of Tarpon Springs Streets & Stormwater Supervisor (SWFWMD)
Does your local government/special district have an established stormwater utility or similar financing mechanism? Yes
How long have you been a member of FSA (years)? I have been a member for 20 years.
Have you served FSA in the past? Yes, I have been on the Board of Directors for two years and the Education Committee for four years.
What abilities and attributes can you bring to the Board? In the past 27 years, I have experienced all of the changes and evolution of both the FSA as well as the NPDES Program administered by the FDEP. I have a wide variety of perspectives from working with engineers and elected officials, to boots on the ground staff. Since my time studying Environmental Engineering at UCF in the early to mid 80's, Stormwater has been my passion. If I had the opportunity to do it all again, I would absolutely follow the same path.
What background and experience do you have in the stormwater industry? I started out as an Industrial Pretreatment inspector in the 80's prior to NPDES. Once Stormwater MS4 Permits became a thing, I rolled my inspection and investigation talents into that discipline. From being an inspector and compiling and submitting one of the first Annual Report submissions, I have grown into a supervisory role and continue to be an NPDES Municipal Coordinator. I had the opportunity to be involved with three Municipal organizations throughout the years. This has given me the different perspectives and methods which have molded my approach to Municipal Stormwater Operations. During one of the three municipalities I worked with, I was fortunate to spend five years with the late Keith Fogarty who initially introduced me to Kurt Spitzer and ultimately FSA.
Why do you want this Board position? After serving on the Board for the last two years, I very much enjoy the cause, purpose, and vision of FSA. It takes a little while to find your voice after joining. With the learning and experience I achieved in the past two years, I am finding my voice. I would be honored to continue.