Seminar Presentations


Seminar Description

This Seminar drew on the expertise of professionals from Florida who are responsible for stormwater BMP maintenance and provided insights on ways to improve approaches to stormwater maintenance.


The seminar presentations are listed below. They are listed in the order they were presented at the conference.  Posting a seminar presentation does not imply that FSA confirms the accuracy of any of the statements made in a presentation, nor that the Association supports or endorses any of the conclusions or recommendations contained in a presentation.

01 - Maintenance Scheduling and Tracking [Grim,Ton]
02 - Contracted Maintenance [Miselis,Owens]
03 - Designing and Maintaining LID/GI and Proprietary BMPs [Ton,Whigham]
04 - Cost Analysis and Techniques [Whigham,Owens]

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